From Tradition to The Future

Inkaş is a proud affiliate of İnkılap Kitabevi (est.1927). Founded in 1986, İnkaş has become one of the leading distributors of foreign language teaching materials in Turkey. Our services are catered towards prestigious institutions in K-12 and University segments. We exclusively distribute main course and supplementary educational resources on behalf of some of the leading educational publishers in the world.

From Tradition to The Future

Next Generation Learning

Express Publishing

Express Publishing

By producing a wide variety of innovative teaching materials, including course books, grammar books, exam materials, and supplementary readers we have been meeting the needs of students and teachers alike for almost 30 years.

Klett Sprachen Verlag

Klett Sprachen Verlag

In school, during training and in adult education. As one of the leading publishers in the field of German as a foreign language , it is important to us to analyze exactly what helps learners at home and abroad to learn German.



The leading and most comprehensive digital learning resource for children. Early Learning Academy is a subscription-based digital education program for children ages 2–8, created by Age of Learning, Inc.

StudySync Global

StudySync Global

An award-winning curriculum for Grades 6-12 and Global Universities with standards-aligned content, flexible delivery, and curricular rigor, now globalized, rebuilt and supported for you and your students.


Guaranteed Assurance

At İnkaş, we deliver high-quality educational resources to teachers and learners across Turkey.
Academic Consulting

Academic Consulting

We provide academic consultation, including pedagogical support, curriculum design, and product integration for our clients.

Sales Network

Sales Network

We are privileged to have a sales force extending across Turkey, building a strong network of product and aftersale support for our clients.

Internationally Recognized Partners

Internationally Recognized Partners

We are proud to represent some of the leading educational providers in language learning.

We Are Available Across Turkey

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